Lamingtons (Vegan Style!)

For an Australia Day treat I decided to have a go and making Lamingtons (without the eggs, butter, cows milk etc that is normally involved.)


When people come to Australia and ask what is traditional Aussie food? There are not a lot of things I can think of or a lot of things I am proud of either. But Lamingtons (named after Lord Lamington (which just sounds funny now) who served as Governor of Queensland from 1896 to 1901) are one dessert everyone who has not tried should try. Lamingtons consist of a sponge cake dipped in a chocolate icing and then rolled in coconut. Sometimes they have cream or jam in the middle, and you can also find strawberry or lemon icing varieties.

But in all cases when you make them at home they are far far better than the store brought variety. They taste much fresher and moister.

The recipe was taken from Animal Australia’s Australia Day Champaign you can watch the video here

and find the recipe here
